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No-cost solar for nonprofits.

No cost, no kidding.

Our mission is to help your nonprofit
cut electric costs through no-cost solar.

Tell me more...

It’s called a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), and you can finance your solar installation through a lease, or PPA, rather than owning the system.

Zero dollars down

PPAs are $0-down, meaning no upfront payment required.

Consider this:

Without an upfront investment, your nonprofit can enjoy the same benefits of clean solar power afforded to businesses and homeowners – and ultimately own the system.

Go solar and be cash positive immediately

A solar PPA allows nonprofits to bypass restrictive upfront costs, preserving capital for your organization, and will almost always be cash flow positive on Day One.

The nonprofit
solar advantage

Without an upfront investment,
your nonprofit can:
  • Reap the same tax benefits for solar power as businesses and homeowners
  • Ultimately own the system

Bottom Line:

No upfront costs for materials or installation through a PPA means significant savings.

Essential Alternative Energy

We work with nonprofit organizations

Learn some specifics:





Considering going solar? Let's talk.